Monday, 19 August 2013

Show Notes Episode 41

Hello and welcome to the show notes for episode 41 of The Minnie Minxes Disney Podcast for August 19th 2013. You will find the show on iTunes under Podcast Network and it is available from 19th August 2013 from around 8.30am EST. Alternatively there is a direct player available on their website

So this episode sees a review from our Kimmy on Disney animated classics and it is the turn of Bambi. Kim takes you through from how Siegmann Saltzmann's story made it to the big screen, how Disney changed the story and how it was received. Whatever your thoughts are on the film, drop us a tweet! Do you agree with our review? Do you know any insider secrets?

Then the second feature looks at how Disney animators have treat the role of mothers in their films. I don't know about you but it makes quite scary reading how many mothers are maimed or killed of in their films!

Plus we add in some Ciaran facts and there is the story of show 41!

As Michelle is in WDW at the moment, we hope you are enjoying her tweets and as you read she is out and about so if you want to meet her in the world, drop her a tweet as I gather she has some Minxey goodies to give out!

Finally, this week saw the UK release on Blu-ray of Jungle Book. I don't know about you but I cant wait for Kim to review it but in the meantime if you wish to buy it, why not click on the Amazon link to the side. Not only will you get the animated Disney classic at a good price but we get a little commission, which comes from Amazon's profits, that helps Kim and I with the show running costs. I know I did this when I bought it!!

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